The Experience
Become the expert on you. Heal generations of trauma and disconnect, through your touch, your breath, and your deep presence; forever impacting your bloodline and the world around you.
This two-part immersive and experiential workshop is unlike anything you have ever attended. Learn your unique anatomy inside out, LITERALLY. Grasp a fundamental understanding of female anatomy, and learn how to unlock your body for connection, greater health, and pleasure.
Imagine that the most "basic" anatomy terms you use are named after MEN and aren't necessarily even anatomically correct. Imagine that almost every diagram shown in textbooks incorrectly portrays the female pelvis. Imagine that your yoga teacher is teaching you to misalign your uterus. Imagine that the etymology of the name of the main nerve that is key to female, "sense of SHAME" or "SHAMEFACED." Imagine that the absolute worst position for birthing is the one used in hospitals nationwide. Imagine that this is the world your daughters will grow up in, if we don't rewrite the narrative.
You've likely heard it said that "the issues are in the tissues!" And they're right. But the healing is in the hands.
Your touch. Your presence. Your breath. Your love. Your intention.
And you can heal and release anything.
An empowered woman who knows how to source safety from within her own body, who knows her own inner terrain, who is connected to her pleasure...she can't be stopped.
Ready to become unstoppable? Ready to leave a new legacy for women around and after you?
Click below to read more about the experience, and scroll down to join our next event, or read testimonies from other women who have been changed by becoming the expert on their bodies, inside and out, and have experienced deep womb healing.

"Yoni" is the Sanskrit name for female genitals. It also means sacred space.
This is the temple of our ecstasy, and we have also made it the graveyard of our broken dreams, unfulfilled desires, abuses, neglects, traumas, losses, our deepest shame, our grief and pain...and perhaps more.
The answer is your connection, your attention, and your breath.
Please be prepared to confront and alchemize whatever may arise for you as we enter into the sacred portal of your yoni and wombspace for the purpose of CONNECTION, HEALING, and PRESENCE.

The Practice
One Part Anatomy, One Part Experiential Guided Dearmouring
This is anatomy like you've never experienced.
The education you NEVER received.
What the textbooks and cadavers could NEVER teach your medical providers in medical school. Almost all textbook illustrations are incorrect. A slew of names are anatomically misleading. Organs within (or without) a cadaver are lifeless and non-functional. We are going to map out your unique landscape and anatomy in a dynamic, living, and anatomically honoring way.
The re-education you didn't know you needed.
Explore the canyons, ravines, caves, ridges, mountains, streams, hills, and hollows of your inner landscape. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to anatomy. No two bodies look the same, have the same texture, the same memories, the same responses coded within the cells.
Every single woman needs this experience. This is something you can pass on to your daughters as a rite of passage, teaching them the value and the awe inspiring ins and outs of their most sacred landscape. And *not* from a western medical, or patriarchal, or male perspective.
Every woman who is raising women, teaching women, or leading women I fully believe needs this experience, education, and self knowing.
I firmly believe this is for every woman, young, and old.
Leading or following.
Teaching or learning.
Midwives, doulas, and practitioners of the female arts especially need to join in and experience this. Please DO pass word on about this experience to your clients, friends, and family.

Part One
Brief lecture on Esoteric and Physical Anatomy of the pelvic diaphragm.
Part Two
Experiential guided workshop on mapping your terrain and brief intro to de-armoring.
This is a hands-on, fingers-in, cameras off segment.
LIVE format only. No recordings, or replays offered. No refunds.

Physical and Esoteric Anatomy Class
This is a standalone class that takes the brief anatomy overview in the WombTerrain experience and builds on it to give you a comprehensive and detailed understanding of your unique female anatomy.
Interactive lecture on Esoteric and Physical Anatomy of the pelvic diaphragm.​
LIVE format only. No recordings, or replays offered. No refunds.
What Women Are Saying
How their lives have been changed by claiming their wombterrain.

"I feel like I can't even begin to describe my experience in words that will truly convey the depth of it's just something that must be experienced. Amanda is such an amazing facilitator and holds space SO beautifully. Going into this experience, my body was completely shut down. I felt so disconnected from myself, my body as a whole, and especially my yoni. It is one thing to know the anatomy of my body.. but it is a whole new world to EXPERIENCE my body. I met myself so vulnerably and intimately. I felt so supported and held. Every woman deserves to experience herself in this way. This is how we heal ourselves, the women who have come before us, and every woman who will come after us. Now, I am finally ME again. I have been so open, in receiving mode. I can feel how since I have been open, my partner has reflected that back to me."

"As we got started, I had a keen sense of the women in my ancestral line and I knew I was there in this space to heal their pain as well as my own. I felt a great honor to be entrusted with this sacred time for them as well as for myself. As we progressed, I felt a lot of heat which I took as fire burning out any shame and trauma (medical or otherwise) that had been my experience. There was a deep sense of healing and restoration of my relationship with my womb and yoni, of forgiving and of accepting forgiveness."

Not for The Faint of Heart
This is not a workshop on self pleasure, and is not sexual in nature.
We are going to dive right in and go deep.
I believe that YOU hold the healing you need. Any trauma symptoms you are experiencing, any lack of sexual pleasure, any sexual limits...I believe the key to all of these is in the body.
Women attending the experiential portion of the class will have their cameras and mics OFF.
You will be encouraged to participate in breathwork, in hands-on dearmouring, and in sounding and using your voice to self-express and release.
You are not required to touch yourself in a sexual manner during this class. You WILL be required to touch yourself in a way that HEALS, TRANSFORMS, CONNECTS, REPAIRS, and RESTORES.
You WILL be guided and directed INTO YOUR BODY.
If you are not ready for this, then this is not the class for you.
You can purchase Part One of this class as a standalone, which contains just the anatomy portion alone and does not go into any physical touch or dearmouring.
If you have any doubts about your preparedness for this class, please wait to join until you know you are ready. I do not want you in this class if it would be detrimental for you.

Ready to go deeper?