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Feminine Embodiment Coach,

Womb Holder & Medicine Woman

I create energetically charged spaces that usher women towards a deeper state of connection to their sexuality and wombspace, while eradicating generational shame and trauma from the body, soul, and spirit. Helping women forge a new and radical legacy for their bloodline.

I'm Amanda

Hello Darling,

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Are You Ready to Remember Yourself?

This virtual space is a sanctuary for your soul where you will find direction back to your feminine radiance, self-sovereignty, sacred sexuality, and inner high priestess. Soft, sensual, powerful, radiant, sexually vibrant, strong, confident, and taking up space. All of this is yours, and always accessible. And not just in the moments of aligned bliss. In the moments that truly matter, when you're facing failure, when you're faced with a life changing decision, when you're tempted to hold back your shine and dim your spark, when you feel that the fullness of who you are isn't welcome or embraced.


I'm here to help you shift away from striving, performing, hustling, running on emotional auto-pilot and towards spaciousness, ease, calm, and reverence. Supporting you to create a meaningful life of ritual, dance, integrated wholeness and deep worthiness.

To inspire you to reclaim your birthright to pleasure, confidence and power. To find wonder in your beauty and unique expression of self. To provoke you to joy even in the midst of crappy situations, reminding you that it doesn't have to suck to be healing.

Soft, sensual, powerful, radiant, strong, confident, and taking up space.

All of this is yours. And the key is within you.


I am a soulful woman, yet a wild one.

With Love,

The Queen of The Outsiders

Image by Anna Bratiychuk

At 12 years of age, my family uprooted and drove down through Central America and replanted in Honduras. While living there, we were sucked deep into a religious cult (based out of the USA) and I was subjected to rigorous religious brainwashing. Psychological, spiritual, physical, and emotional abuse...I know it all too well. I was sunk into a dark well of patriarchal purity culture and oppressive submission dogma to put it mildly.


My adolescent experiences in Central America and in the religious cult spun the narrative that women were not to be trusted, especially with men or in relationships. A woman's body was dangerous at best and property at worst. The heart was deceitful, and discernment was logical and analytical.


The harsh environment of a third world culture surrounded in lush tropical paradise was a contrast that was difficult to grapple with. And in many ways it reflected my inner realm.​ I threw myself into working at a remote clinic and quickly came face to face with what starvation and lack of honor for the feminine spirit can do, and later I got into sailing and competing internationally. I built up strength mentally and physically, as a way to armor my heart and body, and shield myself.

It became very difficult for me to express or access my feminine energy, or even my emotions. I would stand in the shower for long periods of time with cold water hitting my face, in hopes I could access some emotion and cry. It wasn't until I learned that my "okayness" was a form of self protection to guard my sensitive soul and heart that I began to alchemize everything I carried. Out of sheer willingness to survive, I finally let my armor crack open, and chose to let myself FEEL.


I cried years worth of pent up tears in a crazy short amount of time. I went from being called "La Gringa Sarjenta" (The Sergeant "Gringa") to being able to cry at the touch of a breeze on my skin. As I softened, I became insatiably hungry for more. More freedom, more softness, more heart and soul, more spiritual aliveness.

Eventually finding my way to syncing my life to my female cycle, somatic trauma resolution, herbal medicine, and erotic embodiment.


Which was only the beginning...


Now, I have an international clientele, and I am bringing my core values of ease, presence, and embodiment to my work as I expand my offerings and deepen my own practice.

You may not be coming out of a literal jungle, or cult, but I know what it's like to feel like life is a mess, and to be out of touch with your healthy masculine and feminine energies. I know what it's like to feel like a stranger in your body, and to feel that your wombspace is anything but a home.


And now I know how to live softly, deeply widened and opened to God through pleasure and presence. I haven't lost my grit, but my edges have been rounded.


Let me be your cheerleader, your big sister, your mentor, and your guide and I promise you I will take you on more than just a little magic carpet ride.


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Pour yourself a mug of steaming cacao (or a glass of Prosecco)

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"I love Amanda and her energy. She's so genuine. I felt it was time for us to work together and I'm so glad we did. She's genuine, down to earth, loving and kind. She will help you access parts of yourself that you didn't know you could. Show up prepared to heal and meet yourself fully.

I love how sacred and safe I felt with her. I felt such calming energy from Amanda and felt safe to show up for myself. I love the way she is able to hold space for me and guide me, as though I was physically in the room with her. I'm so grateful and appreciative of our time together."

-- Kelsi; Writer, Advocate, Photographer

Image by Kiwihug


​Intuitive Feminine Alchemist, Embodiment Mentor,

Pleasure and Womb Coach


​Amanda is a Certified Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Practitioner, Certified Holistic Pelvic Care Practitioner, Certified Breathwork and Meditation Facilitator, Certified Healing Hands Energy Healing Practitioner, Certified Soma Mystica Practitioner, Certified The Self Holding Method Practitioner, and Orgasmic Birth Trained Doula. She is also working to become an RLT Method™ certified therapy practitioner.


Therapists, tantrikas, coaches, mothers, CEOs, sex & sensuality coaches, retreat leaders and creators, fathers, artists, financial advisors, musicians, doulas, pastors, serial entrepreneurs, worship leaders, graphic designers, midwives, massage therapists, radio hosts, estheticians, business owners, yoga instructors, photographers, and people from all walks of life are the people who hire Amanda.


Amanda has worked and trained with:

  • Tami Lynn Kent: author, women's pelvic care expert, women’s health physical therapist, founder of Holistic Pelvic Care™

  • Lucia Gabriela: CEO and Founder of Nuna Holistic Retreat Center, The Tantric Shamanic Somatic Institute, The Sacred Love Temple (Tantric Shamanic Events), The Sarasota Dark Temple (Sacred Kink Events), The Temples Alliance (Community), Producer to Sol y Luna Tantric Shamanic Festival and TantriKink® Creator.

  • Sigourney Belle: the founder of Soma Mystica™ and creator of Spinal Energetics™

  • Terrence Real: the creator of The RLT Method™, author, and renowned men's expert and couples therapist

  • Ibu Robin Lim: CNN hero of the year 2011, founder of Bumi Sehat, and founder of Gentle MotherBaby Clinics in Indonesia

  • Debra Pascali Bonaro: author of Orgasmic Birth, DONA certified birth doula trainer, and creator of Orgasmic Birth Doula training

  • Morgan Day Cecil: the founder of The Feminine Wholeness Method™ and The E.Y.E. Method

  • Ava Johanna: CEO and founder of The Academy of Breath™

  • Madison Morrigan: 5x International Award Winning Life and Leadership BYCA Certified Coach, and podcast hostess

  • Dr. Valerie Rein: author and psychologist who discovered PSD and founded The Thriving Circle®

  • Peter Levine: author and creator of Somatic Experiencing™

  • Dr. Douglas J. Price, author of Activate Your Brain To Heal Your Body and GNM practitioner

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"Don't try to domesticate a wild woman.

Domestication is to a woman what castration is to a man."

--Amanda Rose

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