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Amrita Community Group

Private·11 Wild Women


This online community group is a space where you can connect with other women inside of the program who are on this journey.

This is the only way to connect with the group outside of the calls, and it is not a space to receive coaching from me, or from anyone else. You are likewise not responsible to coach anyone else. Many of the women inside this space are leaders, and this is not a time to lead anyone but you. It is a time to focus on yourself, and let yourself lean deliciously back into your feminine receivership. Let yourself open to receiving support and call it in boldly when you desire it. Encouraging one another, witnessing one another, and holding space for each experience is really the heart of this community group. Being deeply SEEN does a world of healing.

Group Rules

No sales or spam

No selling to or spamming other members is allowed in this group. Anyone who does so will be subject to immediate removal.

Be respectful of others’ privacy

Being in this group depends on our trust of one another. Some discussions may be sensitive or contain sensitive information, so what’s said in the group should stay in the group.

Respect one another

Everyone has a different point of view so feel free to respectfully disagree. Please be kind and courteous at all times.

No Coaching

This is not a space to receive coaching from me, or from anyone else. You are likewise not responsible to coach anyone else. This is not a time to lead anyone other than yourself.

Not a space for technical support or questions

Please submit all questions for technical support to: and DO NOT post them inside of the group. Thank you!


  • Private

    Only approved members can view this group.

  • Visible

    Shown to site visitors.

  • March 28, 2022


  • Amanda Rose

    Created by

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